Govern America | August 16, 2014 | Many Heads and No Brains

Hosts: Darren Weeks, Nancy Levant

We took calls today for the majority of the show on the subject of the police state tactics, racial issues, and events of the past week in Ferguson, Missouri. Is this a showcase event for martial law in America? Will the riots spread to other cities throughout the United States? Are the authorities attempting to engineer a civil war? Also, we discuss a recent plane crash that is impacting on the future of the Brazilian presidential election and, hence, the emerging BRICS bank which threatens U.S. dollar hegemony.

Hour 1

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Hour 2

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Hour 3

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Show Notes:(Links may degrade over time)


Pentagon fueled Ferguson confrontation

Pentagon weaponry in St. Louis County

How Congress Helped Create Ferguson’s Militarized Police

'There are no police': Ferguson store owners guard businesses; cite lack of police response

 U.S. unemployment claims rise to six-week high of 311,000

U.S. inflation accelerates sharply in second quarter

BRICS set up bank to counter Western hold on global finances

British Empire Has Brazil's Dilma Rousseff in Their Sights

Candidate’s sudden death transforms Brazil race

PM’s flight was close behind

PM Narendra Modi's plane was on shot down MH17's route

State Department Daily Press Briefing - July 23, 2014


MH 17: Some conclusions - Did NATO try to murder Putin?

American Pravda: Who Shot Down Flight MH17 in Ukraine?